The following are AM Law Firm' main locations.
Address:- City Light Tower A3, Third Floor, Office No.303, 1 Makram Ebeid Street, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
Appointments:- +202 23520702 +202 23520335
Mobile:- +201099990074 +201000047368
Telephone:-+2 02 23520335
Telephone:-+2 02 23520702
Mobile:-+2 010 12243424
Mobile:-+2 010 99990074
Mobile:-+2 010 00047368
WhatsApp:- +2 01012243424
Fax:- +202 23520352
Sunday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Address:- Office No. 251, Second floor, Greek Building, The Greek Campus, Near Tahrir Square, Cairo.
Appointments:- +202 27930074
Telephone:-+2 02 23520335
Telephone:-+2 02 23520702
Mobile:-+2 010 12243424
Mobile:-+2 010 99990074
Mobile:-+2 010 00047368
Fax:-+2 02 23520352
Sunday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM